Fountain and Vermillion County are home to many wonderful people who have made a deep impact in the community.
Are you looking for a way to memorialize a loved one or friend who is no longer with us? Or perhaps you would like to honor a family member, friend, co-worker, or service provider who has a positive influence in your daily life? MEMORIAL & HONOR GIFTS are great ways to honor those who are or have been significant in your life or the life of your community. Your gift will go to the fund you specify, in the name of the one you’re honoring.
The following individuals have recently passed away and the families have designated donations in their memory go to the Community Foundation. We honor the following individuals (click on the name for more details): Esteleen Bowman McDonald, Tom Frey, John Fulton,Terry Badger, II, Doug Shelby, Melinda Shepherd, Alice Hathaway, Jill Kirkpatrick, Richard Rennick Sr, Irma Lee Crist, Vera Shew, Ethan Whyde, Mike Stump, Judy Ashton Ferrell, John Ives, Dr. Donna (Summers) McGrady, Louise Houmes, Gregory Spragg, Brenda Phillips, Carlotta Auter, Harold VanDame, Marvin Potter, Rose Martin, Kenneth Scheurich, Stan Shew, Bill Smail, Richard Pattengale, Jeff Henry, Page Lane, Barbara White, Tim Thomas, Harold R. Long, Cameron Cheuvront, Darleen Swingle, Duaine Ramey, Wanda Clawson, Terry Holland, Marvin Shaw, Dr. Francis McGrady, Jr., Matt Milach, Joe Henderson, Ginger Orr, Raymond Bush, Carl Dismore, Richard Klage, David Rothrock, Ann Johannes, Ronald Smith, Charles McKinney, Joe Hathaway, Edward C. Grubb, Sharon Sue Craft, Henry Meadows, Janice Vietti, Edward “Ed” George, and Carl Swinford.
All memorial and honor gifts are acknowledged to the person or people you designate so that the loved one’s family, or the person you are honoring, is aware of the gift. Or you can make an anonymous gift if you desire to do so. The amount of the gift is, of course, confidential and only you will receive a gift acknowledgement for tax purposes. It’s very easy to give a memorial or honor gift – just CLICK HERE to get started.